Saturday, 2025-01-18, 8:16 AMJesus Explained with Fun Symbolism

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Jesus Explained with Fun Symbolism

Imagine a son arriving from out of town to visit his father, only to discover Dad surrounded by police, businessmen, and lawyers. Son rushes to the scene demanding, "What’s going on?” And he learns that a bank is taking away Dad's home. But the son yells, "Give me the debt!”
The nosy crowd is astonished, including the father. The banker replies, "But this is not A "Crash Course" on Christianityyour problem!” The son stands his ground until the banker finally gives in. And, with the bill now in junior's name, the son simply reaches in his pocket and pays it off, cash! But even more surprising: many witness the banker and the son wink at each other! To this day, spectators wonder, "Did the banker secretly arrange for this well-timed rescue?" Picture this as it reveals the core story of the Bible.

First, the son symbolizes the Son of God (and/or the Son of man), Jesus Christ. And the other town he travels from:  Heaven. The financially rescued father represents mankind, while the vulnerable estate is man’s original dominion on Earth. Next, the financial dialogue the son learns about symbolizes the receipt for sin foretold in the Old Testament. Finally, the lawyers symbolize the elements of the covenant including punishment, while the banker represents God Almighty Himself. The story of the Bible is a supernatural tour of mankind's spiritual predicament and the loving (and mathematical) mercy of God.

But just how did mankind, the original ruler on Earth (Genesis 1:26), come to struggle with his control? What is the biography of the forces against man? And when exactly is the harvest of every spiritual decision? The Bible explains these questions in intimate detail. The main categories for discussion are the economics of sin, the supernatural bailout power of Jesus, and the earthly negotiations with God's presence.

First: the economics of sin. What is sin? Perhaps the shortest definition offered is "anything that hinders the bond between God and mankind (Jwyan C. Johnson, 2005)." In a roundabout way, God is allergic to sin. Man's perfection was ruined by the disobedience with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:17). So sin is now part of our DNA. And ever since, God has been negotiating with man's altered nature from the Old Testament (commandments, fasting, lamb sacrifice) to the New Testament (baptism, faith in Jesus, circumcised hearts). It is important for even the most senior of Christians to realize that God's whole purpose was for a "restorable relationship," and not for holy law and order. Many preachers and ministers mistakenly celebrate the rules more than God's re-facilitation for returning and re bonding with HIM. A christian fixated on God's rules, but lacking that holy bond, is like a priest paying child support for a stranger's baby.

Not in the least does this mean the rules aren't vital and important. They're just not as important as the potential love flowing between us and our Creator.  

Next: the supernatural bailout power of Jesus. Prophetic books, like Isaiah and Malachi, provide a biblical sonogram of the Messiah. Jesus is believed to be the ultimate plan of God to restore the relationship between mankind and Himself. The key word is "convenience." Since the Law was so constantly vulnerable to the human nature of sin, God had a plan to fulfill all the its elements from His own side. And it meant every redeeming function being "checked off," if you will, for mankind (so long as we claim it [Jesus]). We're talking about a completely eternal, unparalleled burden transfer of tabernacle traditions, just for us! And both Bible and prophecy calculations recognize Jesus as the perfect variable ( x ) in this holy equation. For example, the original Passover required the blood of a lamb on a doorpost to avoid the plague of death. Today, Christianity suggests that an eternal Lamb exists in Jesus Christ, conveying that "whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16).” Also, the original atonement process required sacrificing a lamb without spot or blemish. The core beliefs of Christianity support this requirement; Jesus Christ is presented in the Bible as perfect and without sin. The Lord informed Moses that the statements of a true prophet of God will come true (Deuteronomy 18:18-22).” And accordingly, Jesus Christ prophecy of His own capture, crucifixion, and resurrection certainly came true and supported the claim of Jesus’ personification of the Old Testament scripture, "behold, I send My messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before ME [God] (Malachi 3:1).” This sequence might explain the reason that Jesus began to add and/or subtract from the original tabernacle with his teachings after being baptized. Jesus’ had already prophesied his biological death; it was necessary to re-establish the new structure of the tabernacle. Therefore, this reveals the reasoning for the slight change from a (real) scapegoat bearing man’s iniquities (Leviticus 16:22), to Jesus Himself bearing man’s iniquities (Isaiah 53:11).” Jesus can be argued as God’s consequent turn to prove HIS love for Abraham by sacrificing His Son. In any event, Christianity is the celebration of this loving strategy along with its implementation. The Bible recognizes Jesus Christ as the begotten Son of God.

Finally, the earthly negotiations with God's presence. As famously stated, the Lord works in mysterious ways. Specifically, HIS presence is actually all around us in a non-threatening fashion.  For example, does your conscious seem a little too similar to the Holy Spirit's profile. Look at that! You've pre-experienced at least a third of the Trinity already, just by a nickname. Also, many motivational speakers and self-esteem advocates mysteriously and inadvertently correlate with scripture (I Corinthians 9:24-27). Next, the behavioral claims of Psychology mirror the behavioral books of the bible such as Proverbs, Ecclesiastics, or James. Moreover, Colossians 3:21 was here before our most common child development theories. of particular interest. Consider also, celebrated poetry writings may have been inspired by the metaphorical excellence in Jeremiah or in the parables Jesus offered. Meanwhile above-average similes for true love can be found in Songs of Solomon. Finally dream interpretation is a significant Bible portion.
Imagine what happens next in the beginning parable. After the son rescues the father from a financial debt, the banker returns to his wealthy estate (Revelation 22:1). Almost simultaneously, the son’s hometown is calling for his return (Revelation 1:7). However, before he leaves his beloved father, he arranges a private meeting with him. The son provides the man with his 24-hour telephone number (Hebrews 13:5), an account manager (John 14:26), and a set of 66 books all inside one "Good Book" advising him on how to spend, save, and stay out of "debt.” The Bible is an arousing combination of plots for love, mystery, drama, horror, and non-fiction. Despite the many script changes, the Narrator stays the same.
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